ProDental Centar | Dežurni stomatolog
Dental implants installation
ProDental Centar

Bredent Implants, typical representatives of "Made in Germany". 
Price of a Bredent implant: 450€

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Zirconium crowns
ProDental Centar

A Zirconium crown with the "cut back" technique   Special price: 180€

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ProDental Centar

Dental implants   ALL ON 4 - ALL ON 6

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Teeth whitening
ProDental Centar

Teeth whitening - one of the leading disciplines of aesthetic dentistry

Teeth whitening
On-call dentist
ProDental Centar

Our team is at your service 24/7

On-call dentist
ProDental Centar

On-call Dentist services in Belgrade

061 6200063
ProDental Centar


On-call dentist services in Belgrade

If you find yourself in a situation of suddenly experiencing a sharp toothache in the middle of the night, we are the ones who can help you. In the 21st century, treating a toothache with cold lining is the thing of the past. One call is enough, as we and our services are close to you. No matter the time of day or night, upon receiving your phone call, the dentist on duty will come to the office, momentarily providing you with the first aid and pain treatment

Outside of the working hours, the doors to our office will be open for you 15 minutes after receiving your phone call.


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On-call dentist services in Belgrade
Dental implants installation

Dental implants installation

Scientifically confirmed and proven Bredent implants, typical representatives of "Made in Germany". The presence of the Bredent Group in dentistry for more than 35 years has resulted in solutions to the problem of toothlessness, with top quality dental implants made of titanium. The Bredent system has been applied for several years at the Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade.
Price of the implant: Bredent implant....450€

Dentist - New Belgrade

The Pro Dental Centre practice is located in a quiet part of New Belgrade, in the immediate vicinity of the old Mercator. It consists of three fashionably equipped dental offices that possess the most state-of-the-art dental devices and appliances.
The Pro Dental Centre practice team consists of 4 general practice dentists who enjoy their work and working with patients and two dental nurses who are always at the patient's service. The consultants are professors of the Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade.

Dentist - New Belgrade
On-call Dentist

ProDental Centar Services

ProDental Centar


Ispravljanje zuba

Ispravljanje zuba

Lep osmeh je upravo ono sto će ostaviti najbolji prvi utisak. Želje pacijenata su ravni i lepi zubi, a naša misija je da im u tome i pomognemo.

Šta su zubni implanti?

Šta su zubni implanti?

Ugradnja implanta je postupak postavljanja trajnih, protetskih zuba koji izgledaju i funkcionišu kao stvarni. Postupak je tako osmišljen da bude bezbolan i pruža osmeh koji traje čitav život. Postoje 3 glavna dela zubnih implanta: implant, suprastruktura i krunica zuba.

Intervencije u oralnoj hirurgiji

Intervencije u oralnoj hirurgiji

Oralna hirurgija je grana stomatologije koja kod pacijenata izaziva strah. A istina je da uz adekvatnu anesteziju i jasna uputstva, kojih se pacijenti moraju pridrzavati nakon intervencije, nelagodnost u toku intervencije i postoperativni oporavak svodimo na minimum.
