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Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry

AESTHETIC DENTISTRY is actually a set of various dental treatments aimed at improving the appearance of the teeth and gums, thereby improving the appearance of the entire orofacial system. Aesthetic dentistry is not a separate branch of dentistry – it actually represents a synergy of several dentistry branches and its main goal is achieving a healthy and bright smile and increasing the aesthetic value of teeth. Some of the most common requests in aesthetic dentistry are restorations of the carious lesions with white fillings (composite restorations) of the latest nano and micro generation, which have a chameleon effect of blending in with the rest of the teeth, while looking as if there had been no filling (composite filling) at all. Another very frequent request of our patients is the application of veneers (ceramic veneers).

A. Composite restorations can range from very simple, using only one colour to more complex aesthetic restorations, combining several shades. In that case, we can use composite restorations when changing the shape, colour, morphology or size of one or more teeth. Of course, there is a limited indication. It should be discussed in detail with the dentist whether it is appropriate to establish a composite restoration in your specific case.

B. Veneers are thin ceramic shells made of tooth-coloured material, which are placed on the front side of damaged, discoloured, misaligned, abraded or fractured teeth. They are also used for closing diastemas (gaps between teeth). The main difference between veneers (facets) and classically made crowns (covers) is precisely the fact that the former cover only the front side of the teeth. The main advantage of veneers compared to crowns is that they require minimal or almost no preparation (non-prep veneers). This means that, during the process of grinding the tooth, a lot less of the tooth substance is removed. Such highly aesthetic restorations are an excellent choice for the front teeth.

C. Metal-free ceramic crowns
Metal-free zirconium crowns made a real breakthrough in dentistry, because they made it possible for the crown-compensation to reach the same aesthetic level as a healthy, natural tooth. The enviable level of the aesthetics which can be reached with metal-free crowns comes precisely from the play of light, refraction of light and the benefit of zirconium, which is a white metal. The very fact that there is no grey colour in the basis of metal-free crowns enables plenty of variations in ceramic shading, light refraction and translucency of the segmented surfaces of the crown. Apart from the fact that there is no grey colour of metal in the background, there is also no "metal edge" that appears over time, right below the gums, at the transition between the gums and the crown. Therefore, with the right experience of the doctor who prepares the condition in the patient's mouth and the skilful hands of the dental technician, a great result is achieved and it leads to a satisfied patient! That is why ceramic crowns have become very popular in recent times.
Another important advantage of metal-free ceramic crowns is biocompatibility. The tooth substance is preserved as well. Unlike metal, which can cause allergic reactions, discoloration of the gums and their receding, metal-free zirconium crowns are characterized by the complete absence of soft tissue reactions, that is, the absence of allergic reactions. In the case of metal-ceramic crowns, shining of the metal can occur in its neck area, and therefore it is recommended to tuck the crowns under the gums, in order to hide the metal edge. This will eventually lead to gums recession, leaving the neck of the teeth bare. When ceramic crowns are used, it is not necessary to remove a significant amount of the tooth substance, as is the case with a metal-ceramic crown. While 1.5mm to 2mm of the tooth has to be removed, i.e. ground before putting the metal-ceramic crown, for a metal-free dental crown only 0.5mm to 1mm is removed.

Aesthetic dentistry


Mesotherapy is a medical treatment that is performed when we want to regenerate our skin and hair. The skin is treated when it needs hydration, when we want to even out our skin tone, when wrinkles appear - simply when it is necessary to nourish the skin in order for it to shine. We treat the hair with mesotherapy cocktails when the first signs of hair loss, loss of shine or increased sebum appear. Mesococktail can contain a combination of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins, oligoelements and peptides, which the doctor combines specifically according to the type and needs of the skin and hair he is treating. It is applied with fine mesotherapy needles in the middle part of the skin - mesoderm.

It is a preventive treatment against the first wrinkles and signs of aging. It also softens fine wrinkles and nourishes dry, dehydrated, sun-damaged, tired and older skin. The effects are visible immediately after the treatment and especially after a few days. The skin is visibly fresher, hydrated, smoother, and the complexion is more radiant. Due to nutrition and hydration, the skin tone is visibly better and the wrinkles and any signs of aging and fatigue are reduced.

There is no age limit for getting a mesotherapy treatment. People generally start doing it when they turn twenty. It is ideal to start with the basic therapy before the first wrinkles appear, but even if you contact us with wrinkles and dehydrated skin, we will be there to determine the right therapy and quickly get the desired results. Our advice is to get 3 to 4 treatments every 10 days. That is when the best and the most effective results are achieved.


What is botox and how does it work?

Botulinum toxin is produced from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum, hence the name botox. 

It chemically blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and thus causes muscle paralysis. Of course, this paralysis is not permanent. It lasts 3 to 4 months. Its power is used in aesthetic medicine. Our facial mimicry and expression of emotions lead to wrinkles around the eyes, lips, and on the forehead. Shallower and deeper wrinkles are formed, which can become etched on the face and seen even at rest. At that point, the only treatment is getting botox. The muscle becomes inactive, the skin is smooth and the quality itself improves.

In what other case is botox used? In the case of excessive palms, feet and underarms sweating, botox is applied to those regions. The effect lasts 3 to 9 months, and the treatment itself, i.e. the application, takes 15 minutes.

Is it safe to get botox and how is it done? Of course it is safe to get botox. First of all, it is stored in small vials containing the prescribed allowed amount, which is quite enough to perform the treatment.
Only an educated doctor can and knows how to apply botox where it is needed. It is applied with thin needles intramuscularly in the area that needs to be treated. The treatment lasts 15 to 20 minutes. The effect is not immediate because it takes a few days for it to take effect. After 14 days, it is often necessary to make a correction, that is, to add botox to some muscles.

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