ProDental Centar | Dežurni stomatolog
Zirconia crowns

Zirconia crowns

Zirconia crowns

Which crown will be used depends primarily on the indications, but also on the patient's wishes. Metal-free, zircon crowns have become very popular in the world due to their natural look, transparency and strength. They are biocompatible with the surrounding tissue, which means that the gums around such crowns do not recede and there is no danger of a dark edge appearing, as it is the case with most metal-ceramic crowns.

Zirconia crowns can look completely like a natural tooth. That kind of mimicry and the ability of the zirconium to completely blend into a full set of teeth is exactly what patients want. Also in people’s mouths where metal-ceramic crowns predominate, zirconia crowns can look at their full glory and give the patient the frequently mentioned Hollywood smile!

Zirconia crowns

Zirconia crowns have metal in their base that is the colour of natural teeth (zirconium). A skilful technician applies ceramic (porcelain) to it in layers. With the addition of different ceramic masses, mamelon effect, opal effect and transpa neutral, the natural structure, as well as the imitation of a natural tooth, its brightness and depth is achieved. All zirconia crowns are made from the highest quality material, which is unique in terms of the structure and production technology. It is precisely this combination of different materials that is brought together by innovative technology. All of this, results in the zirconia crowns blending into the environment like a chameleon. The Hollywood smile look can also give a completely new dimension to the smile, improve self-confidence and emphasize the beauty of the face and facial features.

SPECIAL PRICE: Zirconia crown with the "cut back" technique...€180

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